Acquisition of the Agral by Briois: Common Goal, Strategic Merger

In 2024, a major acquisition marked our history and more broadly the butter molding and packaging sector: the acquisition of Agral, a company based in Belgium. This strategic merger between our two entities aims to strengthen and expand our positions by sharing our expertise and know-how, an obvious choice considering the history of the 2 companies.

Same activity, complementary strengths.

Founded over fifty years ago, Agral has mostly focused its butter activities on export. Several factors motivated this acquisition, but the complementarity of the two family businesses played a crucial role. Briois and Agral are creating in that way a rich and varied product range, able together to meet the demands of an increasingly globalized and highly specialized market.

Briois & Agral…More than a dozen packing size in a common range!

And just as many positive aspects to this merger. Pooling purchases, sharing resources and talents, increasing market share, optimizing joint operations… a synergy that opens up numerous prospects for growth at every level.